Work with us

Working with Axel: a winning choice!

Given the continuous success of Axel, we are in a moment of strong growth and expansion; both towards our traditional and more consolidated products and on the front of new technologies, in particular cloud and web-based.


Working with Axel means joining a team of developers experienced but at the same time young, dynamic and energetic; a professional work environment in which you will see your skills grow by receiving all the necessary training to achieve company objectives and in which you can always count on the direct support of colleagues and superiors during the job activities.


Below is a brief overview of the profiles currently sought by Axel, in case of interest please contact us by email at, or by phone at the number 0332-949600.

Software developer for cloud and web-based technologies

The candidate will have, as its main target, the migration of our Windows applications, with particular reference to our LogicLab development environment, towards web-based technologies.

It will also be necessary to continue developing connectivity to cloud servers, on which machine learning algorithms will be developed in collaboration with our high-profile technology partners.

Our top candidate meets the following requirements:

  • First or second level university degree in IT disciplines, or equivalent culture
  • Deep experience with Javascript, HTML, CSS and XML languages
  • Skillful with English language, both written and spoken
  • A good general knowledge
  • Adequate interpersonal and teamwork skills

Other appreciated requirements:

  • Javascript framework (React, Angular, Vue etc.)
  • Server-side technologies (PHP, Node.js)
  • Cloud services
  • Cybersecurity concepts and methodologies
  • Management and configuration of web servers (Apache, NGINX) and Linux environment
  • C / C++ languages
  • Knowledge of the PLC IEC 61131-3 standard

Software developer on Windows environment

The candidate will have, as its main objective, the development of desktop applications, compilers and communication protocols.
This is one of the main areas of investment and growth for the company.

The applications in question implement compilers, graphic and textual editors, tools for real-time debugging, communication protocols, systems for acquisition and analysis of data in real time.
To achieve these objectives, different languages ​​and technologies are used and integrated with each other, such as: C#, C++, HTML, Javascript, XML.

Our top candidate meets the following requirements:

  • First or second level university degree in IT disciplines, or equivalent culture
  • Skills at programming in Windows environment
  • Knowledge of the fundamentals of object-oriented programming
  • Skillful with English language, both written and spoken
  • A good general knowledge
  • Adequate interpersonal and teamwork skills

Other appreciated requirements:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio environment
  • C/C++ language and MFC framework
  • C# language and .NET framework
  • Linux operating system
  • HTML, Javascript and XML languages
  • Knowledge of the PLC IEC 61131-3 standard

Software developer on Linux environment and real-time embedded systems

The candidate will have, as its main objective, the development of software components which will integrate the systems produced by our customers (typically manufacturers of electronic components for control and automation).
The most important of these products is the LogicLab run-time PLC, that is the engine that runs the PLC applications written with our LogicLab development environment; the implementation of this engine may vary according to the host system (Linux real-time, embedded real-time multitasking systems, bare-metal systems).
Other products that are typically manufactured are: various industrial real-time communication stacks and protocols, components for real-time data acquisition, embedded web servers, libraries for cloud-servers interfacing and SCADA / HMI systems.

Our top candidate meets the following requirements:

  • First or second level university degree in IT disciplines, or equivalent culture
  • Knowledge of the fundamentals of object-oriented programming
  • Expert C/C++ programmer
  • Knowledge of real-time and multitasking systems
  • Skillful with English language, both written and spoken
  • A good general knowledge
  • Adequate interpersonal and teamwork skills

Other appreciated requirements:

  • Linux environment with Xenomai, RTAI, OSADL real-time extensions
  • Proprietary operating systems and embedded development environments
  • Knowledge of the main CPUs and microcontrollers (ARM, X86)
  • Basic knowledge of electronics and hardware in general
  • Knowledge of fieldbus and industrial communication protocols (Modbus, CANopen, EtherCAT)
  • Knowledge of the PLC IEC 61131-3 standard

For any information